
Simone Hooymans til kunstbiennale

Verket Ras vert synt på nederlandske IJsselbiennale
Frå 18. juni vert Simone Hooymans sin animasjonsfilm "RAS" vist på ein kino spesialbygd for animasjon på den nederlandske kunstbiennalen IJsselbiennale.

Dette skriv festivalen:
Today Simone Hooymans, who creates experimental animations based on hand drawn worlds. In combination with digital animation techniques Simone makes such magical landscapes. Landscapes are subject to human action, and in her works Simone shows the relationship we humans have with our nature. This story is not only told by her images, but also in sound. Simone works intensively with musicians for her artworks. During the Ijsselbiennale her short film Earthfall will experience the Dutch premiere. In this film, drawn and animated by Simone and with music by Norwegian band Building Instrument, the transformative power of a crisis is central.

Lenke til festivalen HER (på nederlandsk).
